Media Creative Master

Prospective study

The Creative Media Master responds to an identified need to expand the existing training offer in the cultural and artistic sector in Mexico.

The implementation of this Master between the three establishments of the Higher Education Consortium of Angoulême (Eesi-Cnam Enjmin-Emca) and their partner in Mexico, the school of architecture, art and design of the Tec de Monterrey will complete with a teaching and artistic training component, and will consolidate relations between the two cities, Angoulême and Zapopan.

Grand Angoulême and Zapopan have been cooperating since 2012 for the implementation of joint actions relating to the “cultural and creative industries”, grouped together in the “Creative Confluence” project, of which the creation of the Creative Media Master is one of the components.

The European School of Imae (EESI) has been appointed to lead a survey of twenty experts in the field of arts, media and new technologies, and to coordinate the development of the two-year teaching curriculum of the Master. This mission ended with an opportunity report and an educational model.
The effective implementation of the Creative Media Master could take place from the start of the 2022-2023 academic year.

The main orientations of the master

This Master PRO level training has been designed to meet the challenge posed by the cultural and creative industries in terms of innovation and professional integration in the digital society of the 21st century. It constitutes an original synthesis between three main currents of fields of artistic expression: Digital Art, Video Games and 3D Animation, which constantly integrate new tools and new uses in convergence in the digital world.

Our master first offers a student, entering the License level, to acquire at the end of his training an operational mastery covering the entire Creative Media pipeline, from the birth of the idea in the design phase, to the production of content with the practice of tools (AI, VR, robotics), up to the managerial phase of product distribution (management & IP).

Consult the pedagogical model

The point of view of our experts

With the aim of sounding out the relevance of the Master Creative Media, both in terms of adequacy and its prospective relevance, twenty personalities from the academic, artistic and industrial worlds recognized for their long experience in their respective fields and their reputation for expertise in the field of digital creation, were asked to know their feelings about the state of the art and the evolution of creation technologies in the coming years: video games, interactive devices, virtual immersion and metaverses, artificial intelligence and blockchain nothing escapes their attention.

The analysis of these testimonials formed the basis of the opportunity report and made it possible to assess the adequacy of the educational model.

See the experts' interviews

Feasibility study of the Master

The in-depth analysis of the experts’ words confirmed the initial intuition of a high-level training in “Creative Media” resulting from the exchanges between the image training institutions of Angoulême and the TEC of Monterrey in Zapopan. The Master Creative Media is an opportunity for the Pôle Image d’Angoulême and the territory of Zapopan to position themselves at the forefront of current training in digital creation. The elaboration of the pedagogical contents which will have to animate it highlighted the capacity of the TEC of Monterrey and the three Angoulême establishments of training in the Image – the EESI, the ENJMIN and the EMCA – to work together to the definition of an original and ambitious program likely to become a reference in Europe and in Latin America.

Read the feasibility study

Schools contributing to the genesis of the Master

A project of

With the support of

In partnership with